Durand Piano Service

Durand Piano Service
Durand Piano Service

Monday, May 16, 2011

Right Happy Piano Customers in Kansas City, MO

Kimball Grand PianoKawai Studio PianoKohler and Campbell Console PianoCharles Walter Studio PianoBaldwin Spinet PianoEssex EGP-173 Grand Piano
Grinnell Bros Baby Grand PianoYamaha Console PianoRussian Grand PianoRussian Grand PianoYamaha Console PianoYamaha P22 Studio Piano
Chickering Console PianoPetrof Grand PianoKimball Grand PianoWurlitzer Spinet PianoSamick SU347F Console PianoSteinway Console Piano
Yamaha C6 Grand PianoGulbransen Spinet PianoGulbransen Spinet PianoSamick SG-225 Grand PianoWurlitzer Spinet PianoWurlitzer Spinet Piano
Pianos, a set on Flickr.
I recommend a piano be tuned every 6 months due to humidity changes in Kansas City, MO. My many customers are right happy to be here and right happy to have there pianos tuned by Durand Piano Service

It's best for a piano student to always hear the instrument at pitch and having your piano tuned on a regular basis will inspire the student to play more often. Kansas City is known for great musical tallent so you might have the next Mozart on your hands. It is a great place for a kid to grow up and play the piano. Right happy to say I'm a Kansas City native and love the music scene here.
Call Daryl Durand
(816) 587-9970

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Pianos A Plenty in Parkville, MO

I have a lot of customers in Parkville MO that have there pianos tuned and serviced twice a year. Many have pets that are the cutest little things but will cause problems if they get inside of the piano. One of my customers cat puked right in the middle of the soundboard of a beautiful grand piano. What a mess that was to clean up. Please be sure to call a Registered Piano Technician to clean up all the cat puke in your piano. For piano service in Parkville MO and all surrounding areas call Daryl Durand (816) 587-9970

If your moving be sure to use professional piano movers cause you never know what you might find inside.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Keep Them Spinet Pianos Tuned

Wurlitzer spinet piano located in Lenexa, KS
This is a Wurlitzer spinet piano I tune in Lenexa, KS that has been serviced every year for the last ten. It tunes up great and holds its pitch very well because it is serviced on a regular basis. I would recomend every spinet piano be tuned at least once a year by a Registered Piano Technician.

Spinet pianos are sometimes neglected more than other types. I run across too many spinets that haven't been tuned for 30 or 40 years. There is a lot of these little spinets around that were made in the 60's and they will keep me busy for a long time to come. A spinet is the easiest piano to move but sometimes the hardest to repair because of the way the keys are connected to the action.
Durand Piano Tuning in Lenexa, KS
(816) 587-9970

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Piano Tuning in Parkville, MO

Steinway console piano located in Parkville, MO  
This is a very nice Steinway console piano made in the 1940's. I tune and service this piano once a year in Parkville, MO and think it has a beautiful sound. It has real ivory keys that you don't see anymore. Most pianos have plastic key tops now days. Steinway has a reputation for making some of the finest pianos in the world and they haven't let us down with this one. A Steinway deserves to be tuned by a Registered Piano Technician.

Durand Piano Service in Parkville, MO
(816) 587-9970

Piano Tuning in a High School Auditorium

Yamaha C6 grand at Platte City High School
I tuned this piano at the Platte City, MO High School. It is a nice Yamaha C6 grand piano and holds a great tune. I went to High School at Platte City and it's nice to see they have this new auditorium. It holds 300 people and has the acoustics modified for the best sound. They also have a new vocal music room that was built last year. The tuning was done for an up coming vocal music concert by a Registered Piano Technician.

Durand Piano Service in Platte City, MO
(816) 587-9970

Saturday, September 4, 2010

New or Used Piano Buying Tips

Yamaha console piano tuned and serviced in Platte City, MO
I'm sure your piano playing friends would be glad helping you choose by asking what brands of pianos they like the best. My choice would be a Yamaha or Kawai new or used piano because they hold tune so well. Servicing is a breeze when parts are so easy to get from the manufacturer. Doing a little homework on different brands of pianos will help you make good decisions. I am a registered member of The Piano Technicians Guild and can give good advice on piano buying. Calling a local piano dealer in Kansas City would be a good choice when looking for a new or used piano. A piano salesman can be very friendly when they see dollar signs floating in the sky. If you don't have the bucks the piano dealer seems to have better things to do.

When buying a new or used piano it would be best to get a name brand just in case the student decides piano is not there forte. The resale value of a name brand piano would sell much faster and you would probably get all your money back out of the instrument. Be sure to have a Registered Piano Technician and not your average piano tuner do an inspection before you buy a secondhand piano. A used piano doesn't come with a warranty so you can't take it back later on. The cost of a piano tuning is very affordable and it would be my pleasure to ensure your investment is a secure one.

Some people think they should buy the biggest piano they can afford for the biggest sound. This might be true but you need to figure out what your needs are to know what quality piano to buy. Your favorite music will be very appreciated on a nice piano and will encourage the piano player to reach for a higher goal. If your not sure if you will be sticking with the piano then you should keep things simple. For the beginner a nice console piano can do just fine and will be much cheaper than a grand piano.

The popular black grand piano will give a beautiful romantic setting in a lot of different sized rooms. The appearance of a piano is important to match the furniture in your house. Be sure to contact a professional piano tuner after buying to keep your instrument in proper working order and to ensure great piano enjoyment. Always hire professional piano movers so you don't damage the piano going through doorways.

New or Used Piano Buying Tips for Kansas City MO
(816) 587-9970

Friday, August 27, 2010

Piano Tuning Cost

Baldwin spinet piano tuned and serviced once a year in Gladstone, MO
The cost of a piano tuning once a year is worth the investment to keep your instrument in proper working order. Considering you paid a lot of money for your piano from a local piano dealer you should tune it on a regular basis of once to twice a year. Your in home concerts will be remembered by everyone if the piano has a great tuning put on it by a professional piano tuner.

There are lots of things that will need to be serviced inside the piano including tuning and regulation. Debris can fall inside and can cause parts to break so be sure to have your piano cleaned every so often to keep this from happening. Mice could get inside your piano that could completely ruin the action and make all playing parts useless. The cost to repair this problem could be enormous so you might as well toss it out for junk. I don't like tuning pianos that have had mice damage and will pass this work on to the next piano tuner.

Humidity can change a lot in Kansas City, MO so as to fluctuate the pitch of the piano up and down. A humidity control system can be installed that would need to be serviced with new pads for the water tank. The humidity system will help keep your piano at a standard pitch of A-440 with less fluctuation.

If you want to know the cost of piano tuning and repair you will need to give me a call for an estimate. I can give discounts to seniors, Churches and Institutions. All work is guaranteed by a Registered Piano Technician member of The Piano Technicians Guild.

Piano Tuning Cost for Kansas City MO
(816) 587-9970