Durand Piano Service

Durand Piano Service
Durand Piano Service

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Piano Tuning for Schools and Churches

School and Church pianos need to be tuned twice a year in Kansas City, MO
Schools and Churches in Kansas City need special attention to the tuning of there pianos. Most Churches will keep the heat and air conditioning turned back to save energy. I recommend Schools and Churches to have there pianos tuned and serviced twice a year. A humidity system would help the piano tuning last longer.

A regular maintenance schedule by a Registered Piano Technician would ensure your piano plays it's best all the time.Tightening of screws and light regulation of the action parts should be done once every two years. Paper clips, pencils and other debris can fall inside of a grand piano so regular cleaning needs to be done. Debris can cause actions parts to not work properly and even cause them to break. The cost of a piano tuning visit will be determined on the amount of repair needed.

Piano Tuning Kansas City
(816) 587-9970

Piano Technicians Guild

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