Durand Piano Service

Durand Piano Service
Durand Piano Service

Monday, May 16, 2011

Right Happy Piano Customers in Kansas City, MO

Kimball Grand PianoKawai Studio PianoKohler and Campbell Console PianoCharles Walter Studio PianoBaldwin Spinet PianoEssex EGP-173 Grand Piano
Grinnell Bros Baby Grand PianoYamaha Console PianoRussian Grand PianoRussian Grand PianoYamaha Console PianoYamaha P22 Studio Piano
Chickering Console PianoPetrof Grand PianoKimball Grand PianoWurlitzer Spinet PianoSamick SU347F Console PianoSteinway Console Piano
Yamaha C6 Grand PianoGulbransen Spinet PianoGulbransen Spinet PianoSamick SG-225 Grand PianoWurlitzer Spinet PianoWurlitzer Spinet Piano
Pianos, a set on Flickr.
I recommend a piano be tuned every 6 months due to humidity changes in Kansas City, MO. My many customers are right happy to be here and right happy to have there pianos tuned by Durand Piano Service

It's best for a piano student to always hear the instrument at pitch and having your piano tuned on a regular basis will inspire the student to play more often. Kansas City is known for great musical tallent so you might have the next Mozart on your hands. It is a great place for a kid to grow up and play the piano. Right happy to say I'm a Kansas City native and love the music scene here.
Call Daryl Durand
(816) 587-9970

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